Let's take a look at undergraduate enrollment by ethnicity. You'd be surprised how hard it is to keep this to seven views, as the topic is complex and nuanced. But I did.
The topic should be self-explanatory: Who goes to college where? And there are six views, using the tabs across the top:
Single Ethnicity Percents allows you to see which institutions have the largest percentage of students of the selected ethnicity. The view starts with Hawaiian Natives and Other Pacific Islanders, but you can choose any of nine different groups using the filter on the top right. If you want to limit the universe of colleges, use the filters down the left-hand side. Maybe you want to look at Asian students but only at HBCUs, for instance.
Single Ethnicity Counts is identical, but it uses counts instead of percentages. Filters work the same way.
The next two views are static:
Student Ethnicities and Destinations is easy to read once you understand it. Hover over any segment for an explanation of what you're seeing.
Carnegie Types and Diversity is similar, but the dependent and independent variables are switched. Again, hover to get some insight into what you're seeing.
All Institutions starts with the whole universe of 5,748 institutions, sorted by total undergraduate enrollment, broken out by ethnicity percentages. Look at and combination of subsets by using the filters, and hover for details.
Single Institution shows just that: Breakouts of all undergraduates by percentages. The view starts with Tulane, but you can choose any institution you'd like using the filter. Just start typing some of the name, and hit "enter" then make your selection.
Finally, Summaries by State shows how diverse enrollment in each state is. If you want to do a subset of institutions in each state, go ahead. You won't break anything.
This was fun; the visualization is open for downloading if you want to do something with this yourself. As always, let me know what you see.
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