In 2017, I stumbled upon some 2016 election data and started to look at the relationship between educational attainment in the US and election results . The title was only half serious, but some people took exception to it. Still, it's remained a topic of interest to me since then. Before I begin writing about the latest visualization, let me point out a couple of things on this new display with the 2020 election data. You'll likely notice some similar patterns, but patterns don't prove causality. Even if they did, I could come up with two equally plausible explanations of this data that come at the answer from diametrically opposed political perspectives. Take your pick, or just look and see what you find interesting. It doesn't always have to lead to something. This time we're dealing with another hot political topic, COVID-19 and vaccinations. And, it seemed to me that the political divisions in America tend to fall along the same lines...