I've written a lot about yield rates over time, and I've also written about differences in admission patterns among male and female applicants here and here ; I've decided to take a fresh look at both based on some continuing discussions I've heard recently. You have, of course, heard about the crisis of male enrollment in American colleges, which, if you look at the data, is really a crisis of enrollment at Community Colleges. Far be it from me to insist on data, however. Here is the same data for women, just to point out that there are differences. Whether we should celebrate increasing attainment among young women or decry the inability of young men to keep up is your choice. Regardless, here is a detailed breakout of these patterns as they show up in admissions over time. There are four views here: A summary on tab one (using the tabs across the top); ratios of women to men at all stages of the process and estimated applications per student; gender-spe...