While waiting for 2014 IPEDS data to come out, I've been searching the web for more good educational data to visualize, and came across this site , where I found a nice little data set . It's from 2010, and tracks 9th graders through high school and college. We typically think of looking at high school graduates and measuring how well they do, which is important, of course. But you can have a high percentage of graduates enrolling in or graduating from college masking a problem of high school dropouts. This data helps look at that. For all the data here, assume you start with 100 students in 9th grade in the state: What percentage of them graduate from high school? What percentage of them enter college? What percentage make it to the sophomore year of college? What percentage graduate from college within 150% of normal time (in other words, within six years)? Finally, there is another, more traditional measure included: The percentage of high school gradu...