This will probably be the final post in Higher Ed Data Stories for a while. As you may already know, I'm leaving DePaul for the "best coast" to take the position of Vice Provost of Enrollment at Oregon State University , effective July 1. Thus, I'll be in personal and professional transition for a while, and once I arrive, I'll be busy learning a new institution and working on new challenges that should keep me occupied for a while. (Additionally, I'm not sure what my Tableau situation will be like...) As you may already know, HEDS got its start when I decided to revise and share work I was already doing in my job at DePaul . Much of it, I presumed, would be of interest to university colleagues and high school and independent counselors. But I had no idea how many people craved information like this. So, for now, here is information about bachelor's degrees earned in 2011, 2014, and 2017, the most recent available in the I PEDS data center . It