Most of the things I look at have to do with publicly available data sets, and that often means undergraduate admissions. But while doing some investigation, I came across data from the American Association of Medical Colleges. There's some interesting stuff there, and while it's formatted in a way that makes it really difficult to get to, it's worth a little work. (I'm not convinced that the formatting isn't an attempt to keep less stubborn people from digging too deep on this; my request to get the data in a better format was ignored.) Best thing I learned: In 2014, of the 49,480 applicants to medical school, 41.1%, or 20,343, enrolled. That's a far higher percentage than I would have thought, although it is lower than the 2003 rate of 47.5% (34,791 and 16,541, respectively.) It's clear, of course, that most medical school applicants are very well qualified, so that number represents the best of the best, but the perception of medical school selectiv...