In a recent post, I wrote about the Admissions Arms Race , and who had come out victorious. The short answer was "almost no one." I rolled up admission rates (percent of applicants admitted) and yield rates (percent of those offered admission who enroll) and showed them over time. These variables are pretty common parlance in college admissions; everyone with experience seems to know them. But I showed them only aggregated by type of institution; averages often mask details contained in them. To add some detail, I've now plotted them for every four-year, degree-granting institution that enrolls freshmen. In that post I also introduced "Draw Rate," a term few had heard of. It's a simple calculation: You take the yield rate and divide it by the admit rate. So, for instance, Harvard, with a yield rate of about 84% and an admit rate of about 6% (2012) has a Draw Rate of about 14. Given that the industry average is about .6 (not six.... point...